




Give your dog a fun-filled day of supervised play, hanging out and making friends with other dogs. Your pup will romp around, laugh with our staff, nap and do what dogs love to do – play!

Each dog admitted to our daycare program has been carefully screened for suitability in a group play setting. This screening is not only essential to ensure safe play for everyone, but even more importantly, it’s in your dog’s best interest. We have both indoor and outdoor play areas.  We are the only facility in Greater Lafayette to offer Pup-Grass® in our outdoor play park. Pup-Grass® is synthetic turf specifically designed for dogs. It is a healthier option over other surfaces AND no more dirt and mud when you pick up your pup!


Click here to reserve your Daycare spot now

IMG 4131



Monday - Friday: 7am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm (Half Day price!)

Full-Day Daycare: $30
Half-Day Daycare: $20
Saturday: $19
Daycare with overnight stay: $13 (full-day) or $9 (half-day)

*price effective 9/1/22 (please contact us for rates prior to 9/1)




1/2 day Daycare program will have 2 sessions each day (Monday-Friday)

Session 1: 7:00am - 12:15pm

Session 2: 12:45pm - 6pm


If you are going to utilize our 1/2 day Daycare, you will need to schedule your 1/2 day during one of the two time periods above.  Although you can still drop off or pick up anytime during each session for your 1/2 day (i.e. drop off at 8am and pick up at 1145am), you cannot overlap both sessions with a 1/2 day purchase.  If you need to overlap the two sessions, you will need to utilize our full day Daycare option.  If you choose a full-day of Daycare, you can drop off and pick up anytime between 7am and 6pm (Monday - Friday) and will be charged the full-day Daycare price.  If you have any questions about the 1/2 day Daycare program, please call at 765-421-6655.


Anytime Packages

Package of 10 Full Days - $240

Package of 10 half days - $170


Why Take Advantage Of Pooch Palace Resort Daycare?

Your dog needs daily exercise and activity, but busy schedules can make this a difficult task. Instead of feeling guilty or coming home to a “crazy” pup, Dog Daycare will send you home with one tired, happy pooch!

Dogs enjoy other dogs

Your dog will have fun playing and socializing with their new best friends.  For puppies, this experience can be invaluable. Dog Daycare helps them learn appropriate play styles, and they are introduced to a wide variety of dogs (big/small, young/old). As your puppy grows into an adult you will be confident they have the proper socialization to enjoy any outing you’d like to bring them on. 

Dog Daycare can be a great environment for shy dogs to blossom

Whether they are nervous around new people or a little unsure about other dogs, our canine pack and Playgroup Leaders are great teachers to help them develop confidence.  Some dogs prefer to hang out on the sidelines. If your dog is happy to receive belly rubs all day, Playgroup Leaders are happy to lend a hand! 

Some dogs suffer from separation anxiety when they are left alone

At daycare, they will be around other dogs and people all day. Regular exercise and mental stimulation can also help them relax when they do need to be left alone.  Through your dog staying at Pooch Palace, your dog’s health will improve. We provide ample opportunity for your pup to exercise in a safe and monitored environment. We all know that your dog is happier and healthier when they are actively engaged and exercised. Not to mention, healthier dogs lead longer, better quality lives.


Your dog will have ample opportunities to socialize with other dogs of similar size and age in a safe, monitored environment. Socialization skills are important for your dog so that they no longer react to the unknown with fear and aggression. Ultimately, allowing your dog to receive the increased interaction leads to a more confident, people friendly, social dog.

Things To Consider About Dog Daycare


Just like human kids in school or daycare, dogs in doggy daycare and boarding environments are susceptible to injuries and whatever bug is going around. While we take every effort to avoid it, the occasional illness and injury may occur.

While standard vaccines do prevent the most serious diseases, large gatherings of canines will come up with the occasional case of Bordatella (Kennel Cough), Giardia, or Coccidia. Your dog is at an increased risk of catching communicable canine ailments when socializing with other dogs. We are diligent in minimizing health and safety risks, but it’s important for clients to understand some of the inherent risks.

Bordatella, or Kennel Cough, is the most common health issue in Doggy Daycare. Bordatella is the canine version of the common cold. Symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, and/or sneezing, along with a pronounced cough. Bordatella is an airborne virus that your dog can catch at the dog park, daycare, walking around the neighborhood, or even at your veterinarian’s office. We do require daycare dogs to have Kennel Cough vaccinations, but like a human flu shot, the vaccine is not 100% effective*More about this below

Giardia and coccidia are intestinal parasites that may cause diarrhea or vomiting. Dogs can get these parasites from contact with the feces of infected animals (domestic or wild) or from contact with contaminated standing water. The parasites can be spread at daycare when dogs inspect each other’s rear ends or if they have direct contact with other dogs' poop.

Giardia can cause severe dehydration which further weakens your dog’s ability to fight the parasite. If your dog has vomiting and diarrhea, take him to your veterinarian’s office immediately. Coccidia causes similar, but less severe, symptoms. Most dogs recover quickly with prompt medical attention.

Dogs can get worms (roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc) in the same way they can get giardia or coccidia. The Four Paws Resort is diligent about quickly cleaning dog waste and if we see that a dog has worms, we will isolate the dog and contact the client to let them know. Once wormed, a dog should stay home for at least a week to give the dead parasites time to work their way out of the dog’s system. If your pooch seems to be a bit under the weather, please keep him home and seek veterinary attention if symptoms persist. It is not fair to expose your dog’s playmates to potential health issues.

Injuries can also sometimes occur at daycare. Any open play with a group of dogs can be a very active and interactive environment for your dog. Many of our dogs enjoy rough and tumble play; although we do break up play that gets too rough, the dogs can get pretty rambunctious. Dogs use their teeth like we use our hands; they grab each other by the neck and nibble, steal toys, run, and play with one another. Minor injuries such as nicks, cuts, scrapes, missing hair and strained muscles do happen. Additionally, dogs do have disagreements from time to time, and fighting is a possibility. The staff is trained to break up any dog fights that may occur. 

We believe the benefits of dog daycare far surpass the possible risks. We are diligent about quickly cleaning up dog waste and we sanitize our facility daily. We are quick to interrupt inappropriate social behavior and overly rough play. However, please be aware that your dog is at an increased risk of catching contagious canine illnesses and getting minor injuries when socializing with other dogs. This is a risk you must be willing to accept if you want your dog to play in this environment.  



1. Reservations recommended.  Although we allow walk-ins, if our daycare is full we may not be able to accept your pup if you do not have a reservation.  Please call, email or reserve space on our website.

2. Dogs must be friendly towards other dogs and people.

3. Puppies 16 weeks and older are welcome, they’ll need to have their first round of Distemper and Bordetella.

4. Dogs must be up-to-date on Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella with a clean fecal sample.

5. Dogs must be on flea & tick prevention. Please leave your dog at home for 48 hours after applying a topical flea and tick medication to avoid other dogs consuming any.

6. For your first visit, please bring or fax a copy of your up-to-date vaccinations (or have your veterinarian fax records to 


7. Your “Membership” form filled out via our website (or plan to take 15 minutes to fill it at Pooch Palace).

8. Your dog should wear a collar with their name tag (no spike, pinch, or choke collars please).

9. Your dog should be on a leash for their safety, but please leave retractable (flexi) leashes at home.





With the increase in cases of Kennel Cough on the rise in the area, we felt it was important to provide some education on the Virus.  The important thing to understand is that the Bordetella vaccine is not 100% effective in preventing your dog from contracting Kennel Cough. It is much like the human Flu vaccine we get as we still can get the Flu. There are also many different strains of the virus. Below are some FAQs about the virus along with an article that may be very helpful to you. 

As you will read more below, the unfortunate things about this virus is that there is a 3-10 day period where a dog can have the virus but not have any symptoms show up yet. As a Dog Daycare, Grooming and Boarding facility owner….this makes it virtually impossible to remove the possibility of dogs contracting Kennel Cough while at our facility. The good news is that being around other dogs that have the virus does not mean your dog will automatically get Kennel Cough. There are many factors as to why some dogs are more susceptible than others during this time and you will see those below as well.  If your dog has any of the below symptoms, we ask that you keep them at home and contact your Vet.

What is Kennel Cough?
Kennel cough is a fairly common ailment in dogs. People tend to associate it with dogs who have recently been boarded (or "kenneled"). However, your dog could contract kennel cough anywhere they come into contact with other dogs; such as, the Groomer, the veterinarian's office, in dog obedience class, at Dog Daycare or any other dog related event. Any time your dog is in the vicinity of an infected dog, the potential exists for infection. Kennel cough is caused by an airborne virus, which is highly contagious. The incubation period is about 3-10 days, meaning your dog will not display symptoms of illness for about 3-10 days following exposure to the virus. 

How do dogs become infected even after they’ve been given the Bordetella vaccination? Nose to nose contact is the typical spread of the virus. Dusty environments or high pollen-count days can also increase transmission as the virus can attach to these particles and be breathed in much easier. Infected water bowls and toys can also be a potential source of spreading infection; however, the virus is more likely to be passed from dog to dog, not item to dog. But also remember that if humans are touching an infected dog and then petting another, they are carrying the virus on their hands and can transfer this to another dog.
Dogs are often infected by “non-clinical carriers.” These are dogs that carry the contagious virus without showing outward signs of disease. These dogs are really hard to identify, as they are not coughing, have no nasal discharge or other symptoms of sickness. Owners should be aware of these carriers.
The bordetella/parainfluenza vaccination is not 100% effective in preventing disease, just as our human flu vaccine. The vaccine does reduce clinical symptoms, decreases duration of disease and can increase the animal’s immunity to improve the likelihood of not contracting fulminate disease.

How do I prevent my dog from getting kennel cough? Vaccinating your dog with the Bordetella vaccine can help reduce their risk. However, be aware that your dog can still contract the Kennel Cough virus even if he or she has been vaccinated. There are many strains and mutations of the virus, making it a hit or miss whether the vaccine used on your dog will be the right one for the strain with which your dog comes in contact with. This is similar to the "flu shot" for people; each year a vaccine is developed based on which strain(s) are suspected to be most prevalent. Simply put, having the flu shot does not guarantee you won't get the flu and when your dog has a Bordetella vaccination it doesn't guaranteed he or she won't get kennel cough. A strong immune system is best defense against viruses. This is why several dogs could be exposed to the kennel cough virus but only one may actually contract it. It may be beneficial to provide your dog with immune boosting supplements on a regular basis. Check with your local pet store or veterinarian on supplements that will aid in boosting your dog’s immune system. 

What precautions are taken by Pooch Palace to reduce the risk of Kennel CoughBefore admittance into our facility we require all dogs provide proof of vaccinations. If we observe a dog presenting Kennel Cough symptoms, they are isolated immediately to prevent further exposure to other dogs. Unfortunately, due to the 3-10 day incubation period, dogs may come into and leave our care before ever showing symptoms, exposing other dogs to the virus. We leave our warehouse doors open during the day to provide good ventilation within our building. We are also very strict with our cleaning protocols and disinfecting of the facility.  Unfortunately, Kennel Cough is one of the risks of dog socialization.

How do I know my dog has Kennel Cough? The most common symptom of Kennel Cough is a cough that sounds as if there is something stuck or caught in the dog's throat. One way you can "test" for Kennel Cough is to press the throat gently, right in the collar area. If the dog has Kennel Cough, this will probably trigger some coughing. Other triggers include, exercise, drinking water and change of temperature. Other symptoms could include sneezing and conjunctivitis. Most dogs with kennel cough will act normal except for the cough and will have a normal appetite. . It is also important to note that the Bordetella vaccine can cause sneezing and coughing for several days, just as the flu shots will sometimes give humans flu symptoms.

What do I do if my dog gets Kennel Cough?
Kennel cough generally will be gone in seven to ten days. In some cases an antibiotic is warranted. Contact your veterinarian for their recommended treatment plan.  Please do not have your dog around other dogs for at least 14 days after treatment has begun.

Is there anything, beyond the vaccination, owners can do to prevent their dogs from getting kennel cough? Unfortunately, some dogs are exceptionally susceptible to kennel cough, while other dogs can be around infected dogs and not become ill at all. If you know your dog is prone to develop kennel cough you can vaccinate your dog more often (every 6 months) and try to reduce time spent in venues that have a large number of dogs in a closed space. Keeping your dog healthy all around will also improve the immune system. Improving overall health can be done with good diet, proper exercise, maintaining proper weight and keeping up on your dog’s oral hygiene. An unhealthy mouth reduces the ability of your dog’s immune system to fight off disease.